In different parts of the world, severe weather conditions have wreaked havoc on various regions. Some areas have been drenched in heavy rainfall, resulting in devastating floods, while others are grappling with scorching heat. Unfortunately, the situation in certain Asian nations is deteriorating, exemplified by the tragic deaths of at least 12 individuals in South Korea due to heat-related causes.
Reports from Japan indicate that a 13-year-old girl succumbed to heatstroke while on her way home from a school club. The Mainichi, a local publication, disclosed that the school had decided to end club activities one hour earlier out of concern for the intense heat. The school authorities stated that the students had been taking breaks to replenish their fluids every 20-25 minutes.
According to The Guardian, the death toll has risen to three since Friday, following the discovery of an elderly couple who perished from heatstroke in their Tokyo residence. In the face of temperatures reaching 35.7 degrees Celsius in the city, the police believe that heat-related complications claimed their lives. This dire situation unfolds just weeks after Japan pledged to reduce the number of heat-related deaths by half by 2030.
The Japan Times has released an extensive report on fatalities caused by extreme heat. Citing official statistics, they revealed that the number of deaths attributed to heatstroke has surged from an average of 201 individuals per year between 1995 and 1999 to an average of 1295 from 2018 to 2022.