In the wake of Telegram founder Pavel Durov’s arrest in France, the TON (The Open Network) community has expressed strong support for Durov, reaffirming its dedication to decentralization and free speech. The community emphasized Durov’s role as a key figure in the movement for an open and uncensored internet.
Following Durov’s detention, the TON community released a statement to reassure its members and the public that it remains “resilient and fully operational.” The statement underscored the community’s solidarity with Durov, recognizing his ongoing efforts to advance decentralization and protect free speech in the face of adversity.
“As a community deeply committed to the principles of freedom of speech and decentralization, we stand united with Pavel during this challenging time. His tireless advocacy for an open and decentralized internet has inspired millions, and we are confident that his vision will continue to guide us,” the statement declared.
Pavel Durov, who co-founded Telegram and serves as its CEO, was detained on August 24 at Le Bourget Airport near Paris. The arrest was based on a search warrant issued by the French investigative agency OFMIN, which has been probing serious crimes against minors since November of the previous year.
French authorities have voiced concerns about Telegram’s role in enabling the distribution of illegal content, including drug trafficking, child exploitation, and fraud. The investigation has linked Durov to these activities, alleging that the features of Telegram facilitated such crimes.
While the TON community operates independently of Telegram, it shares a close connection with the messaging platform. The community’s statement reaffirmed its commitment to its mission and to promoting the principles of decentralization worldwide.
“The TON community remains steadfast in our mission, and we will continue our work to champion these principles on a global scale,” the statement added, urging members to “remain calm, stay united, and continue building as we navigate this situation together.”
Durov’s arrest has sparked a wave of support from various prominent figures, including Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson, who have voiced their solidarity with the Telegram founder. The TON community has joined this chorus of support, highlighting the ongoing debate over the balance between regulation and the protection of individual rights in the digital age.