Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, was arrested at Bourget Airport near Paris after returning from a visit to Baku. According to French media outlet TF1, Durov was detained due to an outstanding arrest warrant in France, with accusations ranging from terrorism and paedophilia to drug trafficking.
French authorities allege that these serious crimes stem from a lack of moderation on Telegram, allowing illegal activities to flourish on the platform with Durov’s tacit consent.
The charges against Durov carry significant legal weight, with the potential for a 20-year prison sentence if convicted. French authorities have stated that the goal is to prevent further crimes from being committed by those who “freely exchange messages on Telegram.”
The European Union is reportedly seeking access to all correspondence on the platform deemed relevant to investigations, escalating concerns about privacy and digital rights.
Despite the gravity of the accusations, Telegram has yet to issue an official statement regarding Durov’s arrest. In the meantime, the Russian Embassy in Paris has expressed outrage over the situation, demanding an explanation for Durov’s detention and requesting immediate consular access. Russian officials claim that French authorities have so far refused to respond to their demands.
As Durov holds French citizenship, he will be tried within the country, marking a critical development in the case. The situation remains fluid, with more details expected to unfold in the coming days.