The Russian government is actively seeking clarification regarding the recent detention of Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, in France, according to reports from state-run TASS.
The Russian Embassy in Paris informed TASS that, while Durov’s representatives have not reached out to them, Russian diplomats are investigating the circumstances of his detention. The Russian Foreign Ministry has also become involved, aiming to understand the reasons behind the incident.
Maria Zakharova, the spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry, drew attention to the stark contrast between the Western response to Russia’s 2018 ban on Telegram and the current silence surrounding Durov’s arrest. She questioned whether international organizations that previously criticized Russia would now demand Durov’s release or choose to remain silent.
Russian lawmaker Vladislav Davankov has also voiced his concerns, urging Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to take action. Davankov suspects that Durov’s detention may be politically motivated and warned that it could jeopardize the security of Telegram users’ data. He called for immediate diplomatic engagement with French authorities to resolve the situation.
Mikhail Ulyanov, Russia’s representative to international organizations in Vienna, echoed these concerns on social media, warning that individuals with significant influence in the global information space may no longer be safe visiting certain countries that are increasingly adopting more authoritarian policies.
According to media reports, Durov’s detention may be linked to allegations regarding the presence of illegal content on Telegram, a platform known for its strong privacy features and widespread use.
Pavel Durov, who first gained prominence as the founder of VK, Russia’s largest social networking site, left the country in 2014 and now holds multiple citizenships. With a net worth estimated at around $15 billion, Durov’s Telegram platform boasts over 900 million monthly users worldwide.