Pavel Durov, the wealthy founder of Telegram, is facing a growing array of legal challenges, following a formal indictment by the Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office. The charges against Durov include the distribution of child sexual abuse material (CSAM), drug trafficking, fraud, and money laundering. These developments significantly increase the legal pressure on Durov, who has been a prominent figure in the tech world with an estimated net worth of $15.5 billion, according to Forbes.
Durov was briefly detained but has since been released under strict judicial conditions. He must pay a bond of €5 million (around $5.5 million), report to French authorities twice weekly, and is barred from leaving France. His legal team has yet to issue a statement in response to these charges.
The French authorities have heavily criticized Telegram for its inadequate moderation practices, especially regarding the handling of CSAM. Paris prosecutor Laure Beccuau highlighted Telegram’s “nearly complete lack of cooperation” with judicial orders as a factor in Durov’s prosecution. Other French law enforcement agencies have raised similar concerns, pointing to systemic issues in Telegram’s compliance with legal obligations.
Adding to his troubles, Durov is also the subject of a criminal investigation in Switzerland, where he is accused of physically assaulting his son on multiple occasions. The French agency OFMIN, which focuses on protecting minors, is leading this investigation as part of a broader inquiry into allegations of Durov’s negligence in curbing criminal activities on Telegram.
The scrutiny of Telegram and Durov has intensified globally, with U.S. officials recently noting that Telegram “typically does not collaborate with law enforcement.” This stance has raised serious concerns, given Telegram’s reputation as a platform frequently used for distributing CSAM, along with drug trafficking and other illegal activities.
Joe Scaramucci, a deputy at the McLennan County Sheriff’s Office in Texas, commented, “Telegram is rapidly becoming a hub for human trafficking and child exploitation.” This view is shared by law enforcement agencies that have linked Telegram to numerous criminal investigations over the past year.
In response, a Telegram spokesperson asserted that the platform actively works to moderate harmful content. However, critics argue that Telegram’s policies are insufficient, particularly in their handling of illegal activities conducted through private chats.
Durov’s arrest has sparked widespread debate within the tech community, with figures like Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson voicing their support. The TON blockchain, closely affiliated with Telegram, has also publicly backed Durov, reiterating its commitment to free speech and decentralization.
As Durov’s legal challenges mount, the implications for him and Telegram could be significant. The ongoing investigations are likely to affect Telegram’s operations and its interactions with global law enforcement, potentially altering the platform’s trajectory in the face of increased regulatory scrutiny.